
考古发现 2023-11-22 11:22www.178767.com考古发现

篇一 : 如何杜绝考试作弊的英语作文


The s test cheating behavior is alays in test ork important content We could not avoid in education for all-around development's today participating in each kind of every large or small test frequently. Sometimes at the same time, takes a test is not too to us easy, on the other hand, some students study not diligently, hen therefore they participate in the test, to avoid teacher and guardian's pressure, but cheats. As it concerns me, cheats is not good, both violates the school regulation, and is uncivilized manifestation, our student must be honest, ith studies diligently adopts the good result, but is not the dependence cheats. Also has us to improve the study method, prepares for sufficient for the test, repays the parents ith the real result, repays teacher and society's faith


篇二 : 英国大学防作弊海报反成学生考试作弊利器


根据《都市报》及《每日邮报》报导,普利茅斯大学(Plymouth University)贴在考场的防止作弊海报上,有一张照片是写满小抄的手,尽管被一个红杠挡住,但大部分的公式还是能看得很清楚。其中海报图中的公式牵涉到概率、几何等领域,为很多学生的数学及科学考试提供帮助。




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