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Did you ever go to a circus here there as a bear in a cage?

Did you notice ho short his tail as?

I ill tell you ho the bear's tail came to be short.

One very cold day in inter, a fox sa some men taking home a load of fish.

The fox jumped upon the agon hile the men ere not looking.

He thre off some of the best fish until he had enough for his dinner.

Then Mr. Fox jumped from the agon and began to eat the fish.

While he as eating the fish, Mr. Bear came along.

Good morning, said Mr. Bear, you have had good luck fishing to-day. Those are very fine fish. Ho did you catch them?

They are fine fish, said Mr. Fox.

If you ill go fishing ith me to-night, I ill sho you ho to catch even better fish than these.

I ill go ith you gladly, said the bear. I ill bring my hook and line too.

You don't need a hook and line, said the fox.

I alays catch fish ith my tail. You have a much longer tail than I, and can fish so much the better.

At sunset the bear met the fox.

They ent across the frozen river until they came to a small hole in the ice.

No, Mr. Bear, said the fox, sit don here on the ice and put your tail through the hole. You must keep still for a long hile. That is the best ay to catch fish.

Wait until a great many fish take hold of your tail. Then pull ith all your might.

The bear sat very still for a long time.

At last he began to feel cold and he moved a little.

O! he cried, for his tail had begun to freeze in the ice.

It is not time to pull out the fish? said the bear.

No, no, cried the fox.

Wait until more fish have taken hold of your tail. You are very strong. You can ait a little longer.

So the poor bear aited until it as almost morning.

Just then some dogs began to bark on the bank of the river.

The bear as so afraid that he jumped up quickly and pulled ith all his might, but his tail as frozen fast in the ice.

He pulled and pulled until at length the tail as broken short off.

Mr. Fox ran aay laughing and laughing at the trick he had played on Mr. Bear.

Bears' tails have been short ever since.

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