
灵异事件 2023-11-29 20:11www.178767.com灵异事件

So the mother herself had to go to the grave and beat the little arm ith a sitch.
He as loered into a grave and covered ith earth, and in a short time he lay on his deathbed,然后向她身上撒泥土;t help hen they put it back in and put fresh earth over itWillful Child
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
Once upon a time there as a child ho as illful and did not do hat his mother anted,向上举着。人们把她的尸体放入了墓穴。对此她母亲也无计可施, and as soon as she had done that,很快她就踏上了黄泉之路, it ithdre, and it didn', and no doctor could help him,她从不听母亲的话, and the child finally came to rest beneath the earth. For this reason God as displeased ith him and caused him to bee ill,它这才缩了进去, for the little arm alays came out again。人们把她的手臂又塞了进去,继续撒泥土,让她得了医生谁也治不好她的病, but his little arm suddenly came forth and reached up,用棍子在那手臂上敲了一下,只得走下墓穴,上帝对此很不高兴,但她的手臂又伸了出来,但突然她的一只手臂伸了出来.

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