和美国的关系 论与美国关系中的知识产权因素

奇闻异事 2023-11-12 18:22www.178767.com奇闻异事



This paper analyzes hy the intellectual property rights affect China-US relations and the ays they influence China-US relations.The ernment influences the Chinese Government ith the aid of the most favored nation treatment,special Section 301 and 337 Terms,prompting China to strengthen intellectual property legislation and enforcement.After China's aession to the WTO,the mode changes for the ernment to influence the Chinese Government.Section 301 is being a declining trend,hile the 337 Terms is being an increasingly strengthening trend.The intellectual property disputes beteen China and the United States are expected to seek a solution ithin the WTO legal frameork.The paper holds that the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement both parties reached recently ill bee a ne uncertain factor in the China-US relations in that the ernment ill exert its influence on the Chinese government and urge China's early aession to the agreement.

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