
天下奇闻 2023-11-12 16:26www.178767.com天下奇闻趣事

导读印尼女科学家喂鳄鱼活吞! 鳄鱼的主人是日本商人!大家都知道鳄鱼是凶猛的食肉动物,当地到一定的体型后,会对人有威胁,它们是处在食物链顶端的动物,它们身边的动物都基本是食物,都知道大鳄鱼能吃人,但真正被鳄鱼吃掉的人还未见到,最多是被咬断手臂。近日,印尼一位女科学家在研究鳄鱼,给一条17英尺长的大鳄鱼喂食的时候,该鳄鱼跃起8英尺高的围墙,把女科学家脱下鳄鱼池,活吞下去!下面我们来详细的看看事件经过。


An Indonesian scientist is believed to have been eaten alive by a crocodile, after it attacked her hile she as feeding it at the lab here she orked.


Deasy Tuo, 44, is thought to have been dragged into the enclosure by the 17ft-long crocodile hen she as throing meat into the pool during feeding time on Friday morning.


The crocodile, called Merry, as found ith Ms Tuos remains still in its jas at the research facility in North Sulaesi, Indonesia.


Tragedy: Deasy Tuo, 44, is believed to have been throing meat into the enclosure at the research facility in North Sulaesi, Indonesia, hen the crocodile attacked


The crocodile, called Merry (pictured), as found ith Ms Tuos remains still in its jas at the research facility in North Sulaesi, Indonesia


Officials believe Merry the crocodile stood on its hind legs and jumped up the 8ft all to drag her into the pool.


Horrified staff at the facility, named CV Yosiki Laboratory, made the grim discovery later that morning, hen they noticed a strange shape in the ater.

设施名为CV Yosiki实验室的工作人员在那天早上晚些时候发现了这个可怕的事情,他们发现水中有一个奇怪的形状。

They then sa the crocodile laying on the ground ith Ms Tuos savaged body in its jas.


The reptile, ho is fed fresh chicken, tuna and meat every day, has been knon to attack other crocodiles in the past, but no fears had been raised it may attack humans.


Rescue orkers battled to retrieve Ms Tuos body from the crocodile, hich thrashed violently every time they tried to fish the corpse from the ater.


Merry as captured today in the city of Tomohon and as pictured strapped to a flat-bed truck to be taken for medical tests to confirm that he had eaten the body parts.


Friends describe Ms Tuo, the lead scientist at the laboratory, as a quiet person ho loved animals.


Ms Tuos colleague Erling Rumengan described the horrific moment they discovered her body.


He said: We ere curious hen e looked at the crocodile pool, there as a floating object, it as Deasys body.


We ere afraid to touch it and e immediately report the incident at the Tombariri police station.

我们害怕碰它,我们立即在Tombariri警察局报告了这起事件。Its possible the crocodile jumped from the side. Maybe its because the crocodile as still full, it didnt finish eating her body.


Merry the crocodile ill be evacuated to a ildlife rescue center in Bitung district here tests ill be carried out on its stomach.


Police said they ere trying to trace the oner of the crocodile after the incident. He is believed to be a Japanese businessman ho opened the research facility. They said he as not at the centre at the time of the incident.


Rasin Sirait, Tomohon Police Chief, said: We are still looking for the oner of the crocodile, besides that e have coordinated ith the authorities in the area.


I believe the oner must acknoledge this horrible incident. But e have neither seen him nor kno here he is.


We also need to kno if he is legally permitted to on crocodiles and other expensive aquatics in his pany. If there is no permit, he ill be detained.



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