Wang Yaping is the seventh installment of female pilots in China , a member of a small village from Shandong Yantai is a beautiful , small to large, academic and sports scores are more excellent . 1997 college entrance examination that year, I heard that the seventh installment recruit female pilots , but fe in number , and she did not ant to go, because the petition is fierce , and later under the instigation of the students , Wang Yaping try holding the psychological go a physical examination, I did not expect all the ay through smoothly through the large medical school , Yantai and Jinan , after the college entrance examination scores don, it received a letter of aeptance flight Academy, lucky to bee the country’s seventh batch of 37 omen to fly in one . From small to large , thought hen the doctor , a layer , but never dared to think you ould be female pilots . Thus , in August 1997 , ith the good ishes, Wang Yaping came to the Air Force , Changchun Flight Academy , began her military career .
Wang Yaping is the seventh installment of female pilots in China , a member of a small village from Shandong Yantai is a beautiful , small to large, academic and sports scores are more excellent . 1997 college entrance examination that year, I heard that the seventh installment recruit female pilots , but fe in number , and she did not ant to go, because the petition is fierce , and later under the instigation of the students , Wang Yaping try holding the psychological go a physical examination, I did not expect all the ay through smoothly through the large medical school , Yantai and Jinan , after the college entrance examination scores don, it received a letter of aeptance flight Academy, lucky to bee the country’s seventh batch of 37 omen to fly in one . From small to large , thought hen the doctor , a layer , but never dared to think you ould be female pilots . Thus , in August 1997 , ith the good ishes, Wang Yaping came to the Air Force , Changchun Flight Academy , began her military career .
Changchun Flight Academy of the Air Force life is hard , into the school on the first day , she and everyone else, as forced to cut the hair gre a beloved boy -style hair , a long fly homes a year and eight months , they in addition to university courses , every day, physical training and military training , also conducted a special training field training , simming, skydiving . Because Wang Yaping small to large sports are better , middle and high school team has alays been , so these are for her suffering did not feel bitter. April 1999 , out of the seven students in the future , the rest of the 30 trainees ho suessfully transferred to the Harbin First Flight Academy , a real flying career began in the early teaching machine Flying Corps , hen for the first time in Take to the skies ith a flying instructor under overlooking the motherland ’s great rivers and mountains , hen Wang Yaping heart felt very proud and pride , that moment she truly appreciate the pride as an aviatrix . Yes, despite the loss of their peers to have something to get something , but as a pilot , is that they ill never kno , the love of flying , love the sky, from that moment fed a deep blue sky of love . After to years and four months , Wang Yaping second place ith a total score good grades , graduate from a pilot assigned to the force division regiment . Regiment knon as the “ cradle of female pilots ,“ said the female pilots most of the country are concentrated here, here has emerged Yue Xicui , Liu Xiaolian , Cheng Xiaojian , a large number of heroes figures , e here, Wang Yaping has been to follo the example of their efforts learn flying skills , more than three years later, her flight technology has shrunk , Hang Li exam for to consecutive years and achieved good results in the first place . Wang Yaping ill be more efforts along the glorious footsteps of the previous batch of female pilots in the ranks to bee the pride of female pilots .
神舟十号飞船是中国“神舟”号系列飞船之一,它是中国第五艘搭载太空人的飞船。飞船由推进舱、返回舱、轨道舱和附加段组成。升空后再和目标飞行器天宫一号对接,并对其进行短暂的有人照管试验。对接完成之后的任务将是打造太空实验室。任务将是对“神九”载人交会对接技术的“拾遗补缺”。飞船于2013年6月11日17时38分搭载三位航天员飞向太空, 将在轨飞行15天,并开展我国航天员太空授课活动。飞行乘组由男航天员聂海胜、张晓光和女航天员王亚平组成,聂海胜担任指令长。
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