Audrey Hepburn (May 4, 1929 -- January 20, 1993) as born in Brussels, Belgium.
Hepburn began her film career in 1948 in the Netherlands in Seven Lessons, a 39-minute documentary on Dutch scenery.In 1953, she starred in the film RomanHoliday for the first time and on an Oscar for best actress. In the same year, she on the Tony aard for best actress for her performance in the play The Mermaid.And in 1961, she starred in the movie Breakfast atTiffany’s.
In her later years, Audrey Hepburn devoted herself to charity, acting as a goodill ambassador for UNICEF, campaigning for rights for omen and children in the third orld. He as aarded the presidential medal of freedom in 1992 and the humanitarian aard in 1993. Audrey Hepburn died of cancer on January 20, 1993 in Sitzerland at the age of 63.
Hepburn on five academy aard nominations for best actress in a lifetime. In 1999, she as named the third “greatest actress in a century“ by the motion picture association of America. In May 2002, The United Nations children’s fund at its headquarters in Ne York for a statue of a bronze statue of 7 feet tall, statue namedThe Spirit of Audrey, in recognition of her contribution hich for The United Nations.
Although Hepburn in the career, but a Everything is going smoothly., feelings and marriage the road has tists and turns, the big star ith all the omen, eager to have a “home“, a yearning for peace and happiness of family life. When James Hans as 21 years old, Audrey in the first marriage: Mel Feller - 13 years of “Mr. Audrey Hepburn“ the second marriage: Andre Doti - Italy men have not knon faithful soul mate Robert Wolders - anyay, Audrey Hepburn’s life is a life shine ith great splendor she created in the golden age, the silver screen image, as her on, is perfect, irreplaceable, singularly good. As the U.S. magazine said, “to the Hollyood, and she visited the third orld countries have agreed that Hepburn fully deserve“!
赫本虽然在事业上一帆风顺、红极一时,但感情和婚姻的道路却比较曲折,这位大明星同所有的女人一样,渴望有一个“安乐窝”,渴望宁静幸福的家庭生活。詹姆斯·汉斯——21岁的时候,奥黛丽恋爱了第一次的婚姻梅尔·费勒——13年的“奥黛丽·赫本的先生”第二次的婚姻 安德烈·多蒂——意大利的男人从来就以不忠实著称罗伯特·沃德斯——灵魂伴侣无论怎样,奥黛丽·赫本的一生,是光辉灿烂的一生,她在黄金时代所创造的银幕形象,正如她自身一样,是完美的,不可替代的,绝世无双的。正如美国权威杂志所说的那样,“上至好莱坞,下至她走访过的第三世界国家,都一致认为,赫本当之无愧“!
姓名奥黛丽 赫本
身高五呎七吋 (170公分)
体重110磅 (50公斤)
Audrey Hepburn as born on May 4, 1929 in Brussels, Belgium, ith the given name of Edda Kathleen van Heemstra Hepburn-Ruston. She really as blue-blood from the beginning ith her father, a ealthy English banker, and her mother, a Dutch baroness. After her parents divorced, Audrey ent to London ith her mother here she ent to a private girls school. Later, hen her mother moved back to the Netherlands, she attended private schools as ell. While vacationing ith her mother in Arnhem, Holland, Hitler’s army suddenly took over the ton. It as here that she fell on hard times during the Nazi oupation. Audrey suffered from depression and malnutrition. After the liberation, Audrey ent to a ballet school in London on a scholarship and later began a modeling career. As a model, she as graceful and, it seemed, she had found her niche in life--until the film producers came calling. After being spotted modeling by a producer, she as signed to a bit part in the European film Nederlands in 7 lessen (1948) in 1948. Later, she had a speaking role in the 1951 film, Young Wives’ Tale (1951) as Eve Lester. The part still asn’t much, so she headed to America to try her luck there.
Audrey gained immediate prominence in the US ith her role in Roman Holiday (1953) in 1953. This film turned out to be a smashing suess as she on an Oscar as Best Actress. This gained her enormous popularity and more plum roles. One of the reasons for her popularity as the fact that she as so elf like and had class, unlike the sex-goddesses of the time. Roman Holiday as folloed by another similarly onderful performance in the 1957 classic Funny Face (1957). Sabrina (1954), in 1954, for hich she received another Academy nomination, and Love in the Afternoon (1957), in 1957, also garnered rave revies. In 1959, she received yet another nomination for her role in _Nun’s Story (1959). Audrey reached the pinnacle of her career hen she played Holly Golightly in the delightful film, Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961) in 1961. For this she received another nomination. One of Audrey’s most radiant roles as in the fine production of My Fair Lady (1964), in 1964. Her co-star Rex Harrison once as asked to identify his favorite leading lady. Without hesitation, he replied, “Audrey Hepburn in MY FAIR LADY“. After a couple of other movies, she hit pay dirt and another nomination in 1967’s Wait Until Dark (1967).
By the end of the sixties, after her divorce from actor Mel Ferrer, Audrey decided to retire hile she as on . Later she married Dr. Andrea Dotti. From time to time, she ould appear on the silver screen. One film of note as Robin and Marian (1976) ith Sean Connery in 1976. In 1988, Audrey became a special ambassador to the United Nations UNICEF fund helping children in Latin America and Africa, a position she retained until 1993. She as named to People’s magazine as one of the 50 most beautiful people in the orld. Her last film as Alays (1989) in 1989. Audrey Hepburn died on January 20, 1993 in Tolochnaz, Sitzerland, from colon cancer. She had made a total of 31 high quality movies. Her elegance and style ill alays be remembered in film history as evidenced by her being named to Empire magazine’s “The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time“.
在二战胜利以后,赫本获得资助来到伦敦的一所芭蕾学校学习,不久,成为了一名职业模特。赫本是一位优雅的模特,而且做模特似乎也使她如鱼得水,直到一个电影制片打来电话。在被那位电影制片选中之后,1948年赫本在一部欧洲电影“Nederlands in 7 lessen”中扮演了一个小角色。之后的1951年,赫本又在一部有声影片“年轻的主妇”中扮演伊娃•勒斯特。戏份仍然没有多少,所以赫本决定到美国碰碰运气。
1953年“罗马假日”中的演出,为赫本在美国的星途奠定了一个良好的基础。这部影片取得了巨大的成功,赫本凭借此片获得了当年的奥斯卡最佳女主角。这使赫本赢得了广泛的声誉,并且也获得了更多的演出机会。人们之所以喜欢赫本,一个重要的原因就是,她像是一个落入人间的精灵,高贵典雅,和那个时代的性感女神完全不同。“罗马假日”之后,赫本又参与了“Funny Face (1957)”“ Sabrina (1954)”两部相似题材电影的演出,凭借后者赫本又获得了另一项奥斯卡提名。随后,1957年的“Love in the Afternoon”也获得了广泛的好评。
Mini-Biography for Audrey Hepburn
Audrey Hepburn as born on May 4, 1929 in Brussels, Belgium, ith the given name of Edda Kathleen van Heemstra Hepburn-Ruston. She really as blue-blood from the beginning ith her father, a ealthy English banker, and her mother, a Dutch baroness. After her parents divorced, Audrey ent to London ith her mother here she ent to a private girls school. Later, hen her mother moved back to the Netherlands, she attended private schools as ell. While vacationing ith her mother in Arnhem, Holland, Hitler’s army suddenly took over the ton. It as here that she fell on hard times during the Nazi oupation. Audrey suffered from depression and malnutrition. After the liberation, Audrey ent to a ballet school in London on a scholarship and later began a modeling career. As a model, she as graceful and, it seemed, she had found her niche in life--until the film producers came calling. After being spotted modeling by a producer, she as signed to a bit part in the European film Nederlands in 7 lessen (1948) in 1948. Later, she had a speaking role in the 1951 film, Young Wives’ Tale (1951) as Eve Lester. The part still asn’t much, so she headed to America to try her luck there.
奥黛丽·赫本出生于1929年5月4日的比利时布鲁塞尔,教名是Edda Kathleen Heemstra Hepburn-Ruston。她是贵族血统,父亲是英国富有的银行家,母亲是荷兰女男爵。父母离婚后,奥黛丽·赫本和母亲去了伦敦,在那里上了一所私立女子学校。后来,母亲返回荷兰,她同样在荷兰上私立学校。她和母亲在荷兰阿纳姆度假时,希特勒的军队突然接管了城镇。在纳粹分子统治时期,奥黛丽·赫本在那里过了一段艰苦的生活。她一直忍受着抑郁和营养不良的痛苦。解放后,赫本去了伦敦的一所芭蕾舞学校,获得了学位,后来就开始了她的模特生涯。作为一名模特,她的仪态优雅,她感到似乎已经找到适合她一生的位置---直到电影制片人打来电话。1948年,被制片人发现后,她签约在一部欧洲电影里扮演一个小角色,“7 lessen”(1948)。过后,1951年,她在电影“Young Wives’ Tale”里饰演Eve Lester,是正式的演员。角色一直不很多,她前往美国去试试运气。
blue-blood 贵族(或王族,名门)出身
Nazi (n.) 纳粹分子,法西斯分子
malnutrition (n.) 营养不良
niche (n.) 合适的职务(或地位等)
Audrey gained immediate prominence in the US ith her role in Roman Holiday (1953) in 1953. This film turned out to be a smashing suess as she on an Oscar as Best Actress. This gained her enormous popularity and more plum roles. One of the reasons for her popularity as the fact that she as so elf like and had class, unlike the -goddesses of the time. Roman Holiday as folloed by another similarly onderful performance in the 1957 classic Funny Face (1957). Sabrina (1954), in 1954, for hich she received another Academy nomination, and Love in the Afternoon (1957), in 1957, also garnered rave revies. In 1959, she received yet another nomination for her role in _Nun’s Story (1959). Audrey reached the pinnacle of her career hen she played Holly Golightly in the delightful film, Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961) in 1961. For this she received another nomination. One of Audrey’s most radiant roles as in the fine production of My Fair Lady (1964), in 1964. Her co-star Rex Harrison once as asked to identify his favorite leading lady. Without hesitation, he replied, “Audrey Hepburn in MY FAIR LADY“. After a couple of other movies, she hit pay dirt and another nomination in 1967’s Wait Until Dark (1967).
1953 年,奥黛丽·赫本在“罗马假日”(1953)中的演出使她在美国变的引人注目。这部电影取得了了不起的成功,她而获得了奥斯卡最佳女主角奖,并且备受好评,有很多角色来找她。赫本成为明星的原因之一是她能那天真清纯的小精灵形象以及她那古典美,不象当时的那些性感女郎。“罗马假日”后是另一部同样极好的电影杰作“甜姐儿”(1957)。1954年,“莎宾娜”(1954)让她获得了一个奥斯卡奖提名,1957年的“午恋”(1957)也得到了很多好评。1959年,“修女传”(1959)让她又获得一次提名。1961年,当奥黛丽·赫本在“帝凡尼的早餐”中饰演令人喜爱的Holly Golightly时,达到了她事业的顶峰。这次她又获得一次提名。赫本最光彩的形象是在名作“窈窕淑女”(1964)中的角色。她的合作者Rex Harrison曾被问及他最喜爱的女主角。他毫不犹豫地回答,“‘窈窕淑女’中的奥黛丽·赫本。”两部其他电影之后,她又碰到了好运,因为1967年的 “盲女惊魂记”而获得提名。 prominence (n.) 突起,凸出,显著,杰出,卓越,声望
plum (n.) 李子,紫红色,佳品,令人垂涎的东西,意外收获
elf (n.) 可爱的小精灵
garner (n.) 获得,得到
By the end of the sixties, after her divorce from actor Mel Ferrer, Audrey decided to retire hile she as on . Later she married Dr. Andrea Dotti. From time to time, she ould appear on the silver screen. One film of note as Robin and Marian (1976) ith Sean Connery in 1976. In 1988, Audrey became a special ambassador to the United Nations UNICEF fund helping children in Latin America and Africa, a position she retained until 1993. She as named to People’s magazine as one of the 50 most beautiful people in the orld. Her last film as Alays (1989) in 1989. Audrey Hepburn died on January 20, 1993 in Tolochnaz, Sitzerland, from colon cancer. She had made a total of 31 high quality movies. Her elegance and style ill alays be remembered in film history as evidenced by her being named to Empire magazine’s “The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time“.
60岁时,她和演员梅尔·费勒离婚,想在她事业顶峰时期退休。后来与Andrea Dotti博士结婚。有时,也会出现在银幕上。著名的一部电影是1976年和肖恩·康纳利合演的“罗宾和玛丽安”(1976)。1988年,奥黛丽·赫本成为联合国儿童基金会特使,对拉丁美洲和非洲的儿童给予帮助,一直做到1993年。她被人物杂志评为世界上最美丽的50人之一。她的一部电影是 1989年的“直到永远”(1989)。1993年1月20日,奥黛丽·赫本因结肠癌死于瑞士的洛桑。她生前主演过31部优秀的电影。赫本被帝国杂志选为 “永远的100位影星”之一,她的高雅和时尚将总远铭刻在电影史上
People alays like to ask ho is the most beautiful oman in the orld, then the name Audrey Hepburn ill never be missed. Though Hepburn died in the early 1990s, she is discussed by the public all the time. The first time for me to see Hepburn’s picture, I as impressed by her beautiful outlook, she as so elegant, her beauty caught my eye, I looked at the picture for a long time. In order to kno her ell, I sa her movies. Her first movie Roman Holiday is very famous, she acted as the princess, she played so ell, I alays treated her as the real princess. I believe no one can take her place, her temperament makes her stand out. Though Hepburn has died for a long time, she is remembered by the orld, she is just like the angel falling into the earth.
Audrey Hepburn, May 4, 1929 as born in Brussels, Belgium, the British film and stage actress.
In 1948, Hepburn in a length of only 39 minutes of the Dutch landscape documentary “Dutch seven lessons“ in appearance, began film career.
In 1954, she starred in the film “Roman Holiday“ for the first time, and on the Oscar for Best Actress Aard. In the same year, she as in the stage play “Mermaid“ in the performance, on the Tony Aard for best actress.
In 1961, she starred in the movie “Tiffany’s Breakfast“. In 1964, she starred in the song and dance “My Fair Lady“. In 1989, the film for many years Audrey guest starred in the last film “forever.“
In his later years, Audrey Hepburn as a charity, a representative of the UNICEF Goodill Ambassador, and for the third orld omen and children. 1992 as aarded the United States “President of the Medal of Freedom“, in 1993 on the Oscar Humanitarian Aard. January 20, 1993, Audrey Hepburn died of breast cancer in Sitzerland, at the age of 63 years.
Hepburn’s lifetime on five Oscar nominations for Best Actress. In 1999, she as named the “The Greatest Actress of the Year“ by the American Film Society. In May 2002, the United Nations Children’s Fund opened its 7-foot-tall bronze statue at its Ne York headquarters ith the name “The Spirit of Audrey“ in recognition of Hepburn’s contribution to the United Nations.
May 4, 1929, Audrey Hepburn as born in Brussels, Belgium, a noble descendant of the family, the mother of the Netherlands for the Baroness, the father is a banker, but also a fascist.
From 1935 to 1938, she studied at the “Miesliden School“, an aristocratic boarding school in Elheim Tonship, Kent, England. In 1939, Audrey Hepburn entered the Arnhem Conservatory in the Netherlands to study ballet.
In 1940, the Netherlands An Heng as oupied by Nazi, including Uncle Ben, including many relatives ere mutilated. For several years, because of lack of food, Hepburn can only be tulip bulbs to eat, the rapid deterioration of health;
In the latter part of World War II, Hepburn through the ballet performances for the Dutch guerrillas secret fund-raising. At the same time because of the younger, she used the identity of the child several times for the Dutch underground party to send information.
In 1948, Audrey Hepburn entered the Marie Rambert’s Ballet School in London, England, and she as told that she could not be a first-class student because of age and height and early years of malnutrition. Ballet. After that, she did some ork on the model, took some advertisements, also took part in some of the stage performances, and by chance she took part in the “Roman Holiday“ cre of the audition, and since then Audrey Hepburn came Acting road.
Audrey Hepburn (4 May 1929(1929-05-04) – 20 January 1993) as a Dutch, British actress and humanitarian.
She appeared in a handful of European films before starring in the 1951 Broaday play Gigi. Hepburn played the lead female role in Roman Holiday (1953), inning an Academy Aard, a Golden Globe and a BAFTA for her performance. She also on a Tony Aard for her performance in Ondine (1954).
Hepburn became one of the most suessful film actresses in the orld and performed ith such notable leading men as Gregory Peck, Humphrey Bogart, Gary Cooper, Cary Grant, Henry Fonda, William Holden, Fred Astaire, Peter O’Toole, and Albert Finney. She on BAFTA Aards for her performances in The Nun’s Story (1959) and Charade (1963), and received Academy Aard nominations for Sabrina (1954), Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961) and Wait Until Dark (1967).
She starred as Eliza Doolittle in the film version of My Fair Lady (1964), being only the third actor to receive $$1,000,000 for a film role. From 1968 to 1975 she took a break from film-making, mostly to spend more time ith her to sons. In 1976 she starred ith Sean Connery in Robin and Marian. In 1989 she made her last film appearance in Steven Spielberg’s Alays.
Audrey Hepburn (1929.5.4 — 1993.1.20):famous movie actress,Oscar-inning actress,age has served as Special Envoy of the United Nations Children’s Fund.As Hollyood’s most famous actress,her elegant temperament and good ear.In 1999,she as elected to the United States AFI 100 years the greatest actress in 3rd place.
Hepburn’s treatment of the film,most notably the most impressive is that she is filming in never quite hard,seriously.She said:“I never have talents,I orship my ork,my best.“Yes,she is doing.For the mermaid “test shot put,in order to achieve the perfect garment,Audrey Hepburn in the production process for hours stood motionless.In the film biography of the nuns,she suddenly had kidney stones,but force yourself to get up and continue to ork.She has served in a drenching rain for several hours on,to horse riding and broken vertebrae; she as learning to drive and hit someone else’s car as pushed to court; also because shooting may take a fe months of patience to tame a fan,do it ith agent mother ...Because of her talent and hard ork,her acting increasingly proficient skills,more and more popularity among the general audience,even those demanding critics also praises her,gave her a variety of film aards.She has five-time Oscar nominee,also is to say,she has at least five years in the year of the five European and American film actress.Her popularity increased,people give her more and more high salaries.1955 film “ar and peace“,her fee up to 30 million,this as the actor of the orld’s most salaries.1964 film Pygmalion,her fee up to $$ 1 million,bee starred after the Egypt gaudily “Elizabeth Taylor after the second to the millions of actress salaries.
Hepburn is the orld’s film,a rare gem,her slim figure,not vulgar,and tolerance.She’s slim tall,her temperament forever so noble and pure.In the audience,she never aeptable before the camera,not nudity and suggestive gestures to please the audience,pornographic films and her anymore.1976 in shoot the fair “,hich has a beach scene,Hepburn and actor must be dressed in a bathing suit.Hoever on the elegant,beautiful,very sensitive and demanding Hepburn,think of yourself first is exposed in front of thousands of fans,tension to the pole.Director to fort her,give her up,her figure is the envy of most omen.While she as nervous.The play as shot,but her actions very contrived,obviously assumed.She’s such a self-respecting noble sentiments,and art in the shado of the West,especially in the Hollyood actress,is very rare precious.
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