歌曲名 Beautiful World
歌手名 elephant DEE
专辑名 elephant DEE
Beautiful World 词曲elephant DEE 演唱elephant DEE I can see the sun I can see the tree I can see the birds I can see the sky I can see the ocean I can see the ind I can see the rainbo in your eyes It’s a beautiful orld It’s a beautiful orld It’s a beautiful orld And I love the orld Even though sometimes I ill feel so lonely Even though sometimes I ill ant to cry Even though sometimes I ill feel so sad But that is life that is life So cry it out so laugh it out Scream it out that is life So cry it out so laugh it out Scream it out that is life I can see the sun I can see the tree I can see the birds I can see the sky I can see the ocean I can see the ind I can see the rainbo in your beautiful eyes It’s a beautiful orld It’s a beautiful orld It’s a beautiful orld And I love the orld Even though sometimes I ill feel so lonely Even though sometimes I ill ant to cry Even though sometimes I ill feel so sad But that is life that is life So cry it out so laugh it out Scream it out that is life So cry it out so laugh it out Scream it out that is life So cry it out so laugh it out Scream it out that is life So cry it out so laugh it out Scream it out that is life
n. 象;大号图画纸
Elephant 大象,象,非洲大象
Elephant bird 象鸟,隆鸟,大象鸟
Borneo elephant 婆罗洲象
五妹娘是大小S她们曾经拥有过的一只狗,姊妹把五妹娘当亲人,连买狗点心给它,都会担心太咸影响健康、会先自己吃吃看。《五妹娘》是歌手小Selephant DEE在2015年发布的最新音乐单曲,《五妹娘》是重现爵士Big Band风采,每首歌的曲风都特立鲜明,完全展现elephant DEE虽自由奔放却又情真意挚的个性。《五妹娘》是elephant DEE献给已逝爱犬五妹娘的同名纪念曲,也可以说是EP中最重要的一首歌,因为没有五妹娘,就不会有歌手elephant DEE了。
小S徐熙娣在阔别多年后终于推出了EP《Elephant Dee》! elephant DEE,由不同单字组合成的奇妙名词,源自于最爱的动物,以及名字其中一字,独特新颖又别有意味
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