姓名王俊凯 别名小凯,凯爷,凯宝,凯皇,老王TFBOYS 英文名Karry 生日1999年9月21 日 身高173cm(成长ing) 现居地重庆 星座处女座 体重51kg【成长中】 长项唱歌、吉他 爱好篮球 喜欢的食物汉堡 讨厌的食物米饭 喜欢的颜色蓝,橙,灰 喜欢的科目数学 讨厌的科目历史,体育 喜欢的季节夏天 讨厌的季节冬天 喜欢的男歌手周杰伦 喜欢的女歌手邓紫棋 喜欢的歌曲好听的歌 喜欢的书籍三国演义 喜欢的漫画网球王子,火影忍者,海贼王,进击的巨人 喜欢的地方家 害怕的东西蛇王俊凯 平时休息时喜欢做什么玩,睡觉,听歌姓名王源 英文名Roy 昵称源少、源源,二源、一哥、奶源、大源王源
粉丝名小汤圆 生日2000.11.08 星座天蝎座 身高166cm(成长ing) 现居地重庆 籍贯陕西 生肖龙 星座天蝎 体重45kg【成长中】 长处爱笑,爱唱歌 优点阳光、口才好、谦逊、体贴粉丝、人很暖、笑容甜 爱好唱歌、表演 喜欢的食物零食【是个小吃货】 讨厌的食物苦瓜 喜欢的颜色绿色 喜欢的科目语文 讨厌的科目数学 喜欢的季节夏天 讨厌的季节冬天 喜欢的动物狗 喜欢的历史人物雷锋 想去的国家日本 喜欢的明星周杰伦 ,林俊杰 ,邓紫棋 喜欢的歌曲节奏感强的TFBOYS 喜欢的书籍漫画 喜欢的漫画黑子的篮球 喜欢的地方重庆 平时休息时喜欢做什么打篮球、骑自行车、打游戏、睡觉 队内职务主唱 姓名易烊千玺 英文名Jackson 昵称千总、小千千,玺宝,千玺,学霸千,千千 粉丝名千纸鹤TFBOYS 生日 2000.11.28 星座射手座 身高 163cm(成长ing) 体重50kg【成长中】 特长拉丁舞、民族舞、街舞、现代舞、模特、魔术、书法、画画、葫芦丝、跆拳道、变脸、打鼓、吉他 优点 笑容甜 成绩好 舞蹈好 有教养 礼貌谦虚 人很乖 才艺多 缺点话很少,太害羞,很冷 爱好舞蹈 玩手机\游戏 学习 语言 中文 籍贯湖南TFBOYS
==英文介绍 LZ一看就是文化人
Beijing peak times strict culture art development co., LTDThrough out its TF family of outstanding trainee, in summer 2013 launch a ne young idol group -- TFBOYS.TFBOYS meaning is: The Fighting Boys (struggling young).Its members includeWang Junkai(c),Wang Yuan(members),Easy Yang thousand seal(members).
Tf familyVariety sho “TF young Go every Friday in youku, bilibili video eb site updates, including a homemade plays the starring Wang Junkai and Wang YuanThe boy college study room“Loved by many.
Composite profileThe editor
Beijing peak times strict culture art development co., LTDThrough out its TF family of outstanding trainee, in summer 2013 launch a ne young idol group -- TFBOYS.This bination is TF family first young idol group in the true sense, the bination byTf familyA good traineeWang JunkaiandWang YuanAnd summer to joinTf familyThe ne members of theEasy Yang thousand sealComposition.
TFBOYS invited popularity days for South KoreaLi XiaoliAlbum producer of South Korea famous music team tailored for its debut EP, and plete ne album songs post-production in Korea.EP has been issued in September 2013.
TFBOYS called all The Fighting Boys, band name in addition to illustrate TFBOYS TF family is The first bination, also means The teenagers struggle for their dreams and hard ork, contains The full positive energy.Group main colors to orange TFBOYS fans as follos:A clover.Fans name taken from TFBOYS debut EP in theHEART“A line from a song lyrics,“ a clover beautiful bloom “in the future.Group of three people and fans to form a clover, its implication for TFBOYS and gro up ith the fans.At the same time a clover design also is designed into the bination of TFBOYS LOGO.
membersThe editor
Wang Junkai
Wang JunkaiEnter the TF family early in 2011 through the selection, the TF
Wang Junkai(35 pages)
Family of trainee during the training, in September 2011, in EP is issued in the name of the TF family“I don’t change“, released in early 2012 cover orks “prison bird“ and“I ant to be happy“Remended by sohu for the first time.Later introduced such as“Such love》、《Little love song》、《backlight“And so on a large number of cover orks, in the toilet take edition of theIn my song“More by a large number of izens.
Personal information:
Name:Wang Junkai
Alias: kai kai ye, kai huang, Lao ang
English name: Karry
Birthday: on September 21, 1999
Height: 173 cm (ing) groth
51 kg eight:
: constellation virgo
Advantages: good grades, polite, good singing, of handsome
Hobbies: playing guitar, singing
Combination: TFBOYS
The team officers: captain, the lead singer, appearance
The Chinese zodiac: rabbit
Native place: chongqing
Fan: small crabs
Wang Yuan
Wang YuanIs pleted art training trainee, chongqing times TF members of the family and the lead singer.And afterWang Junkai、Easy Yang thousand sealOf ne youth idol group TFBOYS, and released a ne bination promotion for ten years.
Wang YuanIn early 2012 to enterTf family, and in the summer of 2012Wang JunkaiThe chorus of “an like summer A like autumn“Sina eiboForard more than 80000 times, total ork video click on more than 5 million times (as of September 2012).To participate in performances and recording program are:“Stars of the futureThird “talent petition,The light media《List of music ind and cloud“Propaganda, anhui satellite TV“A golden age“And so on, and ithWang JunkaiSing my song.andWang JunkaiCooperation’s“Like a summer a like autumn“Was crazy a large number of reproduced in eibo, more be originalChristine fanAnd after the forarding,Wang JunkaiCooperation cover“When love has bee the past“And“Onions“, more izens lots of attention, more by the original author and OnionsashinRemend and as broadcast in Taian zhongtian entertainment nes,“When love has bee the past“Also be published in the journal of chongqing, and so there forard again.
Personal information:
Name:Wang Yuan
Wang Yuan(52)
English name: Roy
Nickname: flo, milk, and source, the elder brother of the source, the source, xiao ang, source, Wang Yuaner
Birthday: 2000.11.08
Chinese zodiac, dragon
Height: 165 cm (ing) groth
Weight: 45 kg
Native place: shaanxi
Who lives in ground: chongqing
Scorpio constellation:
Features: lively, lovely, eloquence good, modest tolerance, arm smile, serious responsible
Hobbies: singing, playing basketball
The team officers: singer, bore, lovely
Fan: small dumplings
Easy Yang thousand seal
Easy Yang thousand sealNe to joinTf family, having outstanding performance in dance, Latin, hip-hop master, in the ne bination of performance is orth looking forard to.Lively, Latin dance, modern dance, strength, street dance, in addition to the dancing, ill taekondo, magic, calligraphy, Musical Instruments, or loved by advertising director model.
Personal information:
Name:Easy Yang thousand seal
Easy Yang thousand seal(35 pages)
English name: Jackson
Nickname: thousands of az, and the total, qianqian, one thousand
Fan: thousand cranes
Birthday: 2000.11.28
: constellation Sagittarius
Height: 163 cm (ing) groth
Special features: Latin dance, modern dance, strength, street dance, models, magic sho, calligraphy, gore silk, tae kon do,, guitar, drums, draing, singing
Native place: hunan
Location: Beijing
The team post: dancing bear
3Music orksThe editor
《HeartSet out, a dream,“
Debut EP the Heart, dream, set out from Korea for Li Xiaoli,koyoteMake songs such as producer of tailored for bination affinity, song also in South Korea by leading the team to plete the final production.The debut EP contains three songs“Heart“
2017年8月10日,发行单曲《我们的时光》,该曲展现出TFBOYS自由快乐,个性张扬的年轻态度;同月,在南京举办出道四周年“ALIVE FOUR演唱会” ;27日,获得2017亚洲新歌榜最佳组合奖;
12月11日,与王力宏合作发行歌曲《Tonight Forever》,该歌曲收录在王力宏专辑《A.I. 爱》中 ;15日,发行首张正规专辑《我们的时光》,该专辑共收录了包括两首主打曲《我们的时光》、《躲猫猫》在内的10首歌曲。
王俊凯担任队长 99年出生 生日 9月21日
处女座 应援色蓝色 英文名Karry 粉丝名小螃蟹
他在组合里就像是一个大哥哥一样会照顾好两个弟弟 他也很优秀 平时也就去联合国串串门 去春晚上散个步 没事在去领奖台上进个货
他很阳光开朗 颜值也很高 实力也不容小觑他撑起了时代峰峻 不过刚哥和千玺也有功劳
在组合里担任唱歌担当 如今也是向音乐进一步发展 生日2000 11 08 天蝎座 应援色绿色 粉丝名小汤圆 英文名 ROY
王源小时候真的很禁词 像一张白纸一样单纯
李飞也说过 王源就是时代峰峻的救世主
王源在音乐的道路上发展很厉害 演技也不错 情商很高 是一个很优秀很禁词的男孩子
说一下老幺 千玺
组合里担任 舞蹈担当 生日 2000 11 28
射手座 应援色红色 粉丝名千纸鹤 英文名 Jackson
千玺从小就很优秀 很厉害 酷酷的 现在更是一个高冷BOY 最近又上映的几部电影都让人感到惊艳 《送你一朵小红花》《少年的你》都很不错 他的舞蹈也很棒 在组合里年龄最小的他也是很棒的
TFBOYS的英文全称是The Fighting Boys,读作【ðə ’faɪtɪŋ bɔiz】,意思拼搏的男孩。官方中文名为加油男孩组合。
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