I Go Hard - Wiz Khalifa
And they think they kno you
Till one day they sho you,
So no matter hat they say I go hard.
And I think it’s over, but it’s never over
’cause you no you think I’m don I go hard.
Get up it’s that bitch card, been here before
But don’t even let them see you at the ground
Dues that you gotta pay, people and that you gotta say
So don’t ever let them see you on the ground
And they think they kno you
Till one day they sho you,
So no matter hat they say I go hard.
And I think it’s over, but it’s never over
’cause you no you think I’m don I go hard.
Yeah ya’ll, hey ya’ll
Dangerous thoughts mine of a malicia
Bottles at the one fifty poured over tisters
Broke in boons the pillers stack no is the illest
biggest The land feel as e creep like...
Love raises, dirty guns ith a fe bodies,
If this niggas tired of alk again, from the fucking shaty
sin, Six six pack, six degrees just...
My evil thought our blinks ith no hesitation
Thus back spoon fools the sugar help the metty
don Go smooth and steady groin the green deadly
And eed pops isolated of hash bricks
And me left stuck in this arm of doubt the bad face
We still rock, still ride cross in the stove
God breath back in the days as groing some more
True packs back, my glock’s fat after the guns spoke
You’re screaming here my block at
And they think they kno you
Till one day they sho you,
no So matter hat they say I go hard.
And I think it’s over, but it’s never over
’cause you no you think I’m don I go hard.
go I hard like is... bacteria
Poke so hard he got the to poer avenger her
I go hard earble t kid the cleanser,
I go hard la the hite hour,
Lungs pounding hard too much smoke in the...
Fire plus iron evaporates the enemy
Jason stat hammer mechanic all mechanically
Write about no I can’t really use the realisy
I go hard like you never thought I could
Run sing ith the hammer the nails in the ood
My iron fist the story take a look think I you change your...
And they think they kno you
one Till day they sho you,
So no matter hat they say I go hard.
And I think it’s over, but it’s never over
’cause you no you think I’m don I go hard.
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