Hanization - a frequently used term online, which refers to the process of integrating or adapting aspects of a culture into the Han Chinese culture. For instance, in the context of the十六国时期 (the Period of the Sixteen Kingdoms), Hanization involves the incorporation of the academic and customs of ethnic minorities into Han China. It's noteworthy that there's no such term as "英化" in this context as it's likely that software is primarily written in English, and when it comes to describing ethnic groups, there isn't a fixed English equivalent for "英化". This could be due to the absence of large multi-ethnic communities in countries like the UK where ethnic groups are not as diverse. If a term is hard to find, proposing "英化" can be translated to "Britainization."
When it comes to the English names of ethnic minorities in China:
Achang ethnic minority - Achang Ethnic Group
Bai ethnic minority - Bai Ethnic Group
And so on, for each of the listed ethnic groups. (Please note that I have provided my own transliterations, and there might be slight variations in official or commonly accepted English names.)
Each of these ethnic groups has its unique culture, traditions, and history, which are an integral part of China's rich cultural heritage. It's important to respect and preserve their unique identities while also promoting unity and harmony among all people in China.
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